H2o Taps
Los filtros de agua de H2O Taps

Beber agua purificada es beneficioso para la salud, además de que se pueden ahorrar hasta 300€ anuales. Además, no comprar agua embotellada favorece la protección y cuidado del medio ambiente. Para conseguirlo, es necesario instalar un filtro de agua de primera calidad, como los que ofrece la compañía H2O Taps.

La compañía dispone de un sistema avanzado de purificación que cuenta con un filtro fabricado con acero inoxidable. Además, tiene un mecanismo de rosca universal, lo que garantiza al cliente una instalación sencilla. Su diseño moderno solo requiere un cambio de cartuchos cada tres meses.

Asimismo, los filtros de H2O Taps disponen del certificado de Aqua de Andalucía, que ratifica que el agua filtrada es de máxima calidad y pureza. Además, los filtros eliminan el 99,9% del cloro, dejando en el agua los minerales que benefician a la salud.

Pureza de alta precisión

El sistema de purificación de H2O Taps tiene una filtración muy avanzada, ya que utiliza el carbón activo +KDF. Como resultado, el agua queda 100% libre de cloro, plomo, suciedad, arena, microplásticos, óxido y compuestos orgánicos. No obstante, los minerales beneficiosos como el magnesio, potasio, yodo y zinc se mantienen.

A diferencia de los filtros fabricados con plástico o los envases de agua, el equipo evita el crecimiento de hongos y bacterias, como los crypto parásitos o cryptosporidiosis. Sin embargo, los filtros de H2O Taps protegen al organismo contra los agentes patógenos.

Los filtros de la compañía generan agua cristalina y fresca, ya que su precisión es mucho mayor que la de los filtros convencionales de cerámica. Además, la empresa ofrece al cliente una excelente atención.

El pack de inicio o prueba ofrece al cliente agua filtrada durante un periodo de 3 meses e incluye 1 filtro para el grifo y 1 cartucho. Por otra parte, el pack anual incluye 4 cartuchos y agua filtrada durante 1 año. De igual modo, los cartuchos también se venden por separado. Con el pack de 4 cartuchos, el cliente dispondrá de agua para un periodo de 1 año. Asimismo, con el pack de 2 cartuchos, el usuario la podrá disfrutar durante 6 meses.

Para utilizar el filtro correctamente, es importante dejar pasar el agua durante aproximadamente 1 minuto cuando se realice el primer uso. De esta manera, se conseguirá eliminar cualquier tipo de impurezas residuales. Además, es importante utilizar el agua filtrada únicamente con agua fría, ya que la caliente puede dañar el cartucho.

Clientes satisfechos

Los clientes que han comprado los productos de H2O Taps se muestran altamente satisfechos porque los filtros que ofrece la compañía generan agua de calidad. H2O Taps facilita a sus clientes la posibilidad de adquirir los filtros a través de la página web. Cada filtro llegará a proporcionar entre 800 y 1200 litros de agua, aproximadamente. Además, los precios de H2O Taps son accesibles y competitivos.

Top filtros para agua potable ¿Cuál es el mejor purificador de 2021?

La cantidad de familias que ahora tienen drinking water filters en sus casas es considerable. Entonces ¿qué te detiene de comprar uno propio? Si tu razón está relacionada con la indecisión entre modelos y marcas, es una situación totalmente comprensible.

Es decir, ¿cuál es el mejor purificador para agua del 2021? Si todavía no conoces la respuesta a esta pregunta, aquí verás 4 asombrosos modelos que hallarás en el mercado. Por supuesto, te haremos saber cuál es nuestra recomendación basándonos en diferentes aspectos.

¿Por qué necesitas un purificador de agua potable?

Los purificadores de agua son implementos para el hogar, oficina o cualquier lugar con una toma de agua que permite limpiar hasta un 99% el agua. Esto lo logra eliminando las impurezas en el vital líquido, así como metales pesados y cualquier otro componente nocivo para la salud.

En este sentido, los filtros para agua potable son imprescindibles si de verdad quieres conseguir un líquido totalmente consumible, sin que este repercuta en tu salud a largo plazo.

Por otra parte, tener un purificador de agua te permitirá ahorrar en consumo de dinero. Es decir, lo usual para muchas familias españolas es comprar agua embotellada para suplir la necesidad de obtener potabilidad. Sin embargo, los gastos escalan cientos de euros, algo que puedes evitar comprando un filtro para tu hogar. Es una inversión con resultados a largo plazo.

Top filtros para agua potable

Los mejores filtros para agua potable de 2021 | Top 4

En esta sección hallarás los mejores filtros para agua potable del mercado español, en el que te indicaremos cuál es la mejor opción entre todos estos. Claro que, sin dejar de restar mérito los otros modelos y marcas que también cuentan con características excelentes.

H2O Taps, el mejor filtro para tu hogar

Diseñado especialmente para retener o eliminar sustancias para purificar el agua y librarla de todos aquellos patógenos o elementos nocivos para la salud (más de 70) sin quitar los minerales esenciales para su cuerpo. Posee un sistema de purificación avanzado que funciona por medio de un cartucho de carbón activado para garantizar un mayor rendimiento.

Es un filtro para agua potable que puedes colocar en cualquier toma de forma sencilla, y con una sujeción perfecta que evitará que se desprenda incluso si la presión es fuerte. Por otra parte, también es capaz de eliminar el plomo y el sabor a óxido de este líquido vital.

El precio y el mantenimiento de este producto te permitirá ahorrar muchos euros anualmente, es sin duda la mejor opción disponible.


  • Resistente y duradero.
  • Cartuchos ecológicos, amigables con el medio ambiente.
  • Fácil de montar y desmontar.
  • Fabricado en Acero Inoxidable

Brita on Tap, un excelente filtro para tu hogar

Si quieres conseguir agua filtrada que además presente un excelente sabor, entonces puedes aventurarte a probar el Brita on Tap. Este purificador tiene una apariencia moderna, al igual que su sistema, y permite realizar un filtrado rápido.

De fácil instalación y con un sistema sujeción ideal para varios tipos de toma, y aun cuando el precio es un poco alto en comparación con otros, sigue siendo un buen filtro de agua para tu hogar.


  • Fácil mantenimiento.
  • Plástico resistente.
  • Diseño moderno.


  • Precio un poco alto.

Tapp Water

Eficaz al momento de purificar agua fría desde un grifo estándar, aunque debido a los materiales que ostenta no es posible soportar altas temperaturas. Aun así, es uno de los mejores filtros para agua potable que puedes comprar, capaz de purificar hasta 70 sustancias distintas en el vital líquido.

Posee un sistema de filtrado de carbón activado con una duración por cartucho de 3 meses y una manera muy práctica de instalarlo o desmontarlo de ser necesario.


  • Montaje sencillo.
  • 3 meses de duración por filtro.
  • Valor menos a 100 € / año.


  • Carcasa en plastico.

Geyser Euro

Con una apariencia cromada y un estilo bastante elegante, el purificador Geyser se posiciona en el cuarto lugar de los mejores filtros para agua potable de esta lista. No por ello hay que restarle mérito como producto, sobre todo, considerando que es un dispositivo con una duración de hasta 4 meses por cartucho.

Es decir, que puedes conseguir un gran ahorro en euros y, si bien su rendimiento por litro no se compara con modelos como el H2O Taps, aún es un artículo muy respetable y eficiente.


  • Gran duración por cartucho.
  • Estilo elegante.
  • Purifica más de 70 sustancias.


  • Rendimiento litro/minuto bajo.

Comparativa entre H2O Taps y otros filtros para agua potable

Para tener una mejor idea de lo que te ofrece cada uno de estos filtros de agua potable puedes consultar esta tabla comparativa de sus características.

AspectosH2O TapsBrita on TappTapp WaterGeyser Euro
Tipo de aguaAgua fría.Agua fría.Agua fría.Agua fría.
DiseñoAcero inoxidable.Hecho de plástico con pantalla LCD.Plástico.Plástico cromado.
Tiempo de vida del cartucho3 meses.1,5 meses.3 meses.4 meses.
Sustancias que purifica+ 70 sustancias y patógenos.+ 80 sustancias.+ 70 sustancias.+ 70 sustancias.
Rendimiento2 Litros/min.2 Litros/min.2 Litros/min.0.5 litros/min.
Coste anual1er año 87€ luego 53€/año+ 90 €.+ 90 €.+ 90 €.
drinking water filters

¿Por qué es preferible comprar el filtro para agua potable H20 Taps?

Es evidente las diferencias que existen entre el filtro purificador para agua potable H2O Taps con respecto a otros modelos similares. En otras palabras, no solo presenta una estructura mucho más resistente que le permite tener una mayor compatibilidad con tipos de aguas y grifos, también posee un gran rendimiento de litros por minutos.

Pero, entre los aspectos más significativos, está el ahorro que puedes conseguir al instalar este filtro en cualquiera de las tomas de tu hogar. El mantenimiento del H2O Taps, que incluye cambio de cartucho cuatro veces al año, puede suponer un gasto mucho menor que el de los otros filtros para agua potable.

Su capacidad de limpiar, retener y purificar hasta más de 70 sustancias es sin duda una característica notable que lo hace sobresalir aún más. Siendo una de las razones por las que, definitivamente, tienes que comprarlo.

No podrás obtener una mayor pureza, sensación, sabor y limpieza que con el filtro de agua H2O Taps, ¿Qué esperas para comprar el tuyo?

Aqui encontraras otra comparativa

Tap water or bottled water - which is better?

There comes a time in our lives when we ask ourselves... Which water is less harmful: tap water or bottled water? A totally valid question, since our hydration routine may be subject to these two elements if we have no other means. In this article, you will be able to evaluate both alternatives [...]

In this article you will be able to evaluate both alternatives and determine which is likely to have the greatest impact on you and how to deal with it.

Why is it important to know the purity level of your water sources?

Drinking water is one of thefundamental needs of the human body, as it is known that a person can barely last a few days without it.  But what happens when this substance that you ingest is not entirely healthy? It will reach every corner of your body and, in the long run, can cause illness.

Bottled water and tap water are the most common sources of hydration and there are many myths about both. Disproving or reaffirming these assumptions is important in order to know what type of liquid we are drinking.

Finally, knowing this purity level will help you to take action to take care of your health, for example, if you use tap water, install a water purifier in it.

Tap water VS bottled water - Comparison

The difference between these two sources of hydration is appreciable, however, it is still not entirely clear whether a good grade of drinking water can be obtained from them. Consequently, in this post you will learn a point of view about each of them.

Is tap water really feasible?

Mainly from the point of view of intakes or taps, it is difficult to know where this liquid that you sometimes ingest comes from.

Despite the fact that information about where this liquid comes from is public in most cities in Spain, one may have doubts about where it comes from. Even more so, about the type of treaty they have.

However, it is true that this substance is handled with total propriety, to provide an acceptable level of cleanliness for the general population. However, it is possible to increase the purity level much further by using other means, such as drinking water filters that work with activated carbon.

In addition, it is often cheaper to consume tap water, as it comes from natural sources, where water is plentiful.

Is it true what they say about bottled water?

Bottled water is another of the alternatives most commonly used by people to hydrate themselves or bring drinking water into their homes. But how pure is this liquid that most people drink?

This is a question that has arisen in recent years. Consequently, many research centres have devoted their efforts to validate this information, some of which have even shown the presence of Bisphenol A in their composition.

On the other hand, it is known that the cost of consuming bottled water is much higher. This is due to the fact that these containers are for single use only, i.e. it is not advisable to refill them with drinking water.

Otherwise, you would be subject to a proliferation of microorganisms inside the bottle. In addition, if the liquid you use to fill the bottle contains chlorine, it can cause a chemical reaction that releases compounds from the plastic into the water.

What should I choose?

Despite what many may think, tap water is much healthier than drinking it from the bottle. But even if you're not convinced of its purity, you can always buy tap water filters and install them in your household taps to ensure this.

Drinking water filters: The most economical option

Drinking water filters, the best choice

When it comes to what's best for your family, there's nothing like having drinking water filters at home. However, their advantages are not limited to the area of health, they are also much more economical than other options.

Yes, it may seem to you that buying bottled water is less expensive, but you have to pay for it constantly, every time you buy a few litres, or less. With drinking water filters, on the other hand, you only have to make one purchase and then only make small changes.

A great investment for your life

We often get carried away and buywhatever appears to be cheaper at the time. Well, if you compare the price of a bottle of drinking water and a purifier, of course the former will seem cheaper.

But, surely you don't use a bottle a day, do you, and if you have a family, even less. So what happens when you take into account all the bottled water consumed in your household for 3 months? The count would be totally overwhelming.

Much more expensive than it would cost to run a water purifier for those three months, which is the lifetime of the H2o Taps filters.

That said, according to research, Spaniards have an average daily drinking water consumption of 1.5 litres. With an estimated value of 0.31 euros for that amount.

However, this is not the only use of drinking water, as it is also recommended for cooking and other household activities. Thus, the figure increases considerably, especially if there are several people in the same household.

On the other hand, the benefits of water filters include an annual saving of up to 300 euros on this important element.

Therefore, short-, medium- and long-term home water filters are abetter option for obtaining this liquid. And not only because they represent a much more economical choice, but also because they are healthier and more convenient.

How can I get a filter for drinking water?

While simply changing habits and going away from bottled water can save you a lot of money, there are also other ways to save money in this area.

For example, deciding to buy a pack with a larger number of cartridges is usually much more profitable and the prices tend to be lower. In addition, you can be a little more carefree in this regard.

At H2o Taps we are committed to your health and to making the planet a better place by stopping the use of polluting water bottles.

Are drinking water filters only economical for me?

Although bottled water is one of the most common practices, not many people are aware of the true impact of the processes necessary to obtain it.

And not only in terms of environmental pollution and agents that adhere to water. The generation, marketing and recycling of packaging represents an ongoing investment.

Por el contrario, con los drinking water filters solo debes hacer una adquisición por cada toma que desees purificar. Luego de esto, solo deberás reemplazar el cartucho cada tres meses, es decir, 4 veces al año.

This is a much smaller sum compared to the amount of containers you throw away when using bottled water. Also, don't forget that activated carbon is a component of organic origin which, unlike plastic and its derivatives, tends to degrade in a shorter time.

Why is a tap water purifier more convenient and easier to use?

A tap water purifier can be a quick and easy solution to your drinking water problems at home. We know that one of the concerns regarding your health, day by day, is whether you are consuming enough water, and if it is completely clean. For this reason, we tell you that [...]

Therefore, we tell you that one of thebest alternatives or solutions to guarantee this aspect is achieved in a very simple way: installing water filters for taps.

Why should I buy a tap water purifier?

Yes, water purifiers have become the easiest and most practical option for water filtration. However, there are many more reasons why buying them is more than a good idea.

In this sense, it is common to hear that buying a filter is unnecessary, but the truth is that these items are the only ones that canguarantee total water potability. Or at least 95% of it, something that no other instrument can provide. Especially if you have a water purifier with activated carbon, with which you will be able to absorb most of the impurities that live in this vital liquid.

On the other hand, having a home water filter will allow you to save mountains of money, as the period of effectiveness of these products is 3 months exactly. With this, you will not have to spend again on bottled water, which beyond what many people think, is not so healthy.

Why is a tap water purifier more convenient and easier to use?

Stocking the water supplies in your home, assuming you do it by buying bottles, is a lot of work. That is, carrying all that weight, even if it's from the shop to your car and then from your car to your home, takes some effort and fatigue.

Even more so if you consider that you must perform this task at least 3 to 4 times during the week, which would give an estimated 12 to 16 times a months. Such effort, in the future, can cause problems in your spine, knees and other parts of your body.

And if you are one of those who prefer individual bottles, although you do not face a great difficulty because of the weight, this practice is really expensive. Moreover, it is also polluting and forces you to constantly buy them.

En cambio, si tienes un purificador de agua para grifo, el único esfuerzo que tendrás que realizar será abrir y cerrar la llave, tan sencillo como eso. Igual sucede con las alcachofas para ducha.

This is why water purifying filters are the most convenient way to keep you hydrated and healthy. Better still, from the comfort of your home.

With one or more of these filters, you won't have to look for bottled water several times a week, just tap water will suffice.

Why is it said to be easier?

There are many ways to replace the habit of consuming bottled water, and one of the most effective, healthy and economical is to install household water filters. These fabulous instruments do not require a problematic assembly so to install them in your home will be a simple thing.

Therefore, if you really want easiness, comfort and filtering efficiency, you can purchase (at a very affordable price) a water purifier. With this, you will have greater guarantees of use, durability and purity. You can even decide whether to use the purified liquid or the regular liquid that comes out of the tap without removing the filter!

As for the maintenance of this equipment, changing the activated carbon cartridges is easy, quick and requires no major effort. You can even buy packs of more than one change and have them available for when you need them.

Benefits of water filters for the next generations

The benefits of water filters can be seen as soon as you start using one of these devices. However, the advantages can go far beyond that and, among other things, mean a big positive change in the lives of the next generations. So, if you are one of those who care about the world [...]

So, if you are one of those who worry about the world that your descendants will receive, or if you haven't thought much about this, read on because this post is for you.

Do you know the environmental benefits of water filters?

One of thefirst impacts and benefits of filtering water can be found in the environmental aspect. As is well known, this type of purifying device aims to get rid of polluting products such as bottled water.

This not only reduces the CO2 footprint emitted during the entire plastic manufacturing and recycling process, but also has other environmental advantages:

  • Water purifiers use activated carbon cartridges which, among other benefits, have an organic composition. They are healthier, more efficient and less polluting.
  • The outer mechanism has a long life and the cartridges have a life span of 3 months in use, i.e. not a single element is discarded daily.
  • No water is needed to make them, unlike plastic bottles.
  • Most plastic containers end up in the oceans and other environments, this is not the case for household water filters.

These and the other benefits of water filters mean a lower level of pollution and processes harmful to nature. Which, in turn, means a better life and ahealthier planet for generations to come.

The next generations, their health and water purifiers

health is another fundamental issue for all people, and will continue to be so even for the next generations.

In this respect, the benefits of purifying water are also considerable and you are not the only one who can enjoy them.

  • The purified water, with the activated carbon system, eliminates a large number of substances and elements that are harmful to health. Some of these are carcinogenic and can cause other diseases.
  • It dissolves the chlorine in the water (coming from the treatment mechanisms), removing the characteristic bad taste and preventing damage from it.
  • It prevents the water from absorbing the taste of plastic, as well as other substances that this material releases into the water.  
  • When using filtered showerheads, the body comes into less contact with harmful substances, resulting in healthier skin and hair..

But what do these benefits of water filters have to do with young people? Well, consuming purified water from an early age helps them avoid many diseases and suffering from other water sources.

What will the new generations get if I use home water filters now?

Making the leap to purifying filters and abandoning the use of bottled water is essential to make the lives of new generations much more profitable.

By starting to use this water treatment system, you are not only taking care of your family, you are also contributing to the preservation of the planet. All this, in the short and medium term, will mean a better quality of life for everyone.

In addition, you will be setting an example for other people and, of course, for younger children, who tend to copy the behaviour of their elders.

Por otra parte, al dejar de emplear recipientes plásticos y de embotellar el agua de consumo, se genera un ahorro económico considerable. Y no solo para ti, también para los países que se sumen a ello. Así, tú y todos podrán invertir mucho mejor ese dinero, por ejemplo, para una mejor educación y posibilidades para las nuevas generaciones.

️ ¿Preocupado por las generaciones futuras? ️ ¡Conoce cómo puedes dejarles un mejor mundo gracias a los beneficios de los filtros de agua!

Is it possible to drink from the tap in Andalusia using household water filters?

Filtros de agua para casa, calidad para tu hogar

Si vives en Andalucía y no sabes si el agua de tu grifo es la más saludable, tienes que saber que, teniendo filtros de agua para casa, es una historia totalmente diferente.

A pesar de que, esta sustancia no siempre se encuentra del todo saneada, un filtro purificador puede otorgarle el nivel de potabilidad que necesitas. Pero, si aún no estás convencido de lo maravilloso de estos productos, puede que los datos que verás a continuación te ayuden a convencerte.

¿De dónde proviene el agua de Andalucía?

La primera interrogante que llegas a realizar cuando consideras tomar agua de grifo es, ¿de dónde proviene dicha sustancia? Una situación que es totalmente comprensible, puesto que se trata de tu salud, siendo esta, una de las pocas fuentes de hidratación que existen, además del agua embotellada.

Sin embargo, puedes estar seguro al saber que una gran parte del líquido vital que llena los hogares de Andalucía, proviene de pozos subterráneos y manantiales. El resto del agua potable es recogida de fuentes a nivel del suelo, como lagos y ríos.

Estas mismas son tratadas para darles dicho nivel de pureza que requieren para luego ser consumidas. Por consiguiente, son repartidas a los diferentes lugares de la zona.

Filtros de agua para casa

¿Por qué no es recomendable beber del grifo si no tienes un filtro de agua para casa?

A pesar de que esta agua de grifo está totalmente tratada, es posible que, durante su paso por la tubería, se contaminara de alguna forma con metales o minerales residuales. Por otra parte, puede que el proceso para limpiarla no fuera lo suficientemente efectivo para eliminar todos los agentes nocivos.

Por ello, siempre va a faltar un último medio de purificación, que termine de potabilizar esta sustancia, y es aquí donde entran los filtros de agua para casa.

Instalar estos productos en cada una de las tomas de tu hogar, te garantizará un líquido totalmente limpio. Con ello, ya podrás ir despreocupándote sobre si llegarás a enfermarte al ingerirla.

Sin embargo, si no sabes dónde encontrar un buen water purifier para tu casa, siempre puedes echar un vistazo al catálogo de H2o Taps. Una tienda donde hallarás el filtro para grifo que necesitas, con una alta efectividad de filtrado. Además, es una web que ofrece sus productos a toda Andalucía.

Ventajas de comprar filtros de agua para casa

The filtros de agua para casa son, sin duda alguna, la alternativa perfecta para combatir las impurezas que pueda albergar el agua que sale del grifo. Esto, gracias a que funcionan con un cartucho de carbón activado.

El mismo, es capaz de absorber, como mínimo, un 95% de los elementos nocivos que se encuentran en este vital líquido, eliminándolos por completo del agua. Como resultado, obtendrás una sustancia totalmente pura, mucho más de lo que podrías tener sacándola del grifo sin más.

Por otra parte, el gasto que supone mantener un filtro purificador de agua es bastante bajo, otra de las ventajas de tenerlo. Esto, principalmente, porque solo tendrás que cambiar el cartucho unas 4 veces al año para mantener el nivel de pureza.

Estos reemplazos de filtro de carbón activado suelen ser realmente económicos, más todavía, si los adquieres a través de la tienda H2o Taps. Y lo mejor es que, aquellos que llegues a desechar no le harán daño al ecosistema, pues, son totalmente biodegradables.

Reasons to stop using bottled water

Supplying drinking water to households by buying bottled water is very common nowadays. Drinking bottled water is a very popular practice due to the commercial reach of this product and is believed to be the most economical way of obtaining the vital liquid.

But the truth is, this can be an unprofitable practice in the long run. In fact, there are many other reasons to buy it, and taking it can be very unprofitable. So here are the reasons to stop and why it is essential to make a transition to other products, such as a water purifier.

Reasons to stop using bottled water

Chemicals and impurities in water

There is something that people have believed for many years, and it is still a custom in society. It dictates that 'drinking bottled water' is the healthiest way to hydrate yourself.

This is a consequence of the massive propaganda that bottled water suppliers have placed in many media outlets. Thus creating a consumption habit that has been difficult to remove or replace.

But, what many do not know is that the liquid inside the bottle is far from being totally purified.

In this sense, today certain facts are handled regarding the consumption of bottled water due to its real composition. That is to say, it has certain chemical or harmful agents that have not totally disappeared from it.

For example, a study conducted at the prestigious Australian Catholic University gave a result indicating the presence of bisphenol-A. This agent is a monomer related to the creation of plastic and can cause various health problems.

A much more expensive habit is to consume bottled water

If you have a water purification filter at home, or are planning to buy one, it is important to have it serviced from time to time to maintain its efficiency. This is a procedure that can be done in a very simple way, and that only consists of changing periodically the filter or cartridge.

However, it has been shown that dependence on bottled water consumption can lead to considerable monetary losses. This is mainly due to the fact that you are not only paying for the liquid inside, but also for the container that contains it, whose content is not equivalent to what it costs.

And, by balancing the number of bottles you would have to buy to satisfy your drinking water consumption, the annual cost would be exorbitant. Whereas, a tap water filter such as the H2o Taps has a much longer life per cartridge, as does its water purification.

Environmental pollution

One of the main reasons why it is better to stop consuming bottled water is how it influences the planet's pollution.

And we are not necessarily talking about the content, but the container of this "vital liquid". Because, plastic is one of the largest proliferation elements that exist in the environment.

Use less plastic

This is why it is essential to avoid buying this product at all costs, for the sake of the ecosystem. An idea that is being tried to be implemented through different alternatives, with better results for health and with a more friendly CO2 footprint.

What options exist to replace bottled water?

There are many ways to replace the habit of consuming bottled water, and one of the most effective, healthy and economical is to install household water filters. These fabulous instruments do not require a problematic assembly so to install them in your home will be a simple thing.

On the other hand, they have a really affordable price, an expense that you will only have to make once to obtain potability for a minimum period of 3 months. But, the most important thing is that, with a water purifier, you will get the purest liquid, healthy, and with an excellent taste.

Encourage change of habit to no longer buy plastic bottled water

Let's make a change: don't buy bottled water

Plastic bottles represent one of the largest pollutants on the planet, something that has been happening for years. In fact, with every passing day, the proliferation of this material in the ecosystem continues to spread. This is the main reason why a change of habit is needed in the purchase of plastic packaging, starting with bottled water.  This is one of the most purchased products because it is believed that the liquid it contains is really pure and healthy.

Why is this habit harmful to the planet?

Unfortunately, this custom is destroying all the ecosystems that exist on the planet. In other words, the fauna and flora are not the only living beings affected, there is also a latent contamination of water bodies, such as lakes, rivers and seas.

The consumption of bottled water is the main cause of this disaster, in which the different beverage items contained in containers of the same type also contribute. These, after being consumed, are usually thrown out of the recycling containers, and end up accumulating in the different green areas.

What is the extent of the contaminating impact of plastic?

Sometimes the extent of pollution from plastic in the environment is unknown. And you may decide to seek a countermeasure to your consumption of bottled water, such as buying filters for drinking water.

Following this order of ideas, this material has a very high environmental impact at different levels of the ecosystem. As it takes many years to decompose, it can cause damage to soil, air and water.

In fact, the aquatic antibodies are the most affected in this area, mostly because of the existence of rubbish islands, which are spread all over the world. These places are used to throw away all the plastic and waste that people throw away every day. As a result, these are washed away during tidal changes to different coasts or are scattered in the sea. More information about plastic pollution here: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polucin_por_plstico target="_self">here.

The importance of implementing a change of habit in the future

Sometimes, recycling those plastic products is not enough to stop pollution in the ecosystem. That is, it would be necessary to stop consuming it completely.

This is because the very process by which polymers are produced is itself a pollutant. Continuing with this manufacture would lead to increased environmental degradation and therefore the most effective approach would be to stop consuming bottled water or similar products.

Bottled water, the poison of the 21st century

Bottled products not only make a dent in the environment, they can also be really harmful to your health. Taking water in plastic as a prime example, a liquid that, at first glance, may seem really pure and healthy.

But, the truth is, it's just the opposite. In other words, within its composition, it includes certain agents that in the long run can do a lot of damage to your body, such as Bisphenol A, which is responsible for many health problems.

If it is not bottled water, what other drinking alternatives are there?

There are many ways to replace the consumption of bottled water, the most efficient being the water purification filter. These household utensils manage to clean the tap water in a really effective way.

This, thanks to the fact that they work with filters or cartridges with activated carbon, which manage to purify the water up to 95%, being this value the minimum.

In addition, they are a really economical alternative to the habit of buying bottled water, and there are several types of filters, so you will find the best one for your home. A product that can also be placed very easily on any standard tap in your home to achieve the potability you need.

Annual pack of filtered water for 87 euros the first year.

What are the types of water filters that exist and what are they for?

Tipos de filtros de agua: todo lo que necesitas saber

The incorporation of tap water filter in your home is not only a decision that helps make water consumption more hygienic and beneficial to the health of your family, but its use brings many extra benefits.  

Types of water filters on the market

Activated carbon filters:

This type of filter works by absorbing the polluting particles que pueda tener el agua mediante un sistema de adhesión al carbón. Son capaces de atrapar muchas moléculas del agua que deseamos evitar el consumo, aunque no eliminan algunas sustancias químicas como el arsénico, nitratos, fluoruros, entre otras. Sin embargo, existen los que eliminan mercurio, plomo y otro tipo de sustancias. Los Activated carbon filters: have two varieties: Activated carbon blocks: activated carbon blocks, which are usually more efficient, or granulated activated carbon. In addition, they are often used as a complement to other devices providing extra filtration. It is recommended to use them together with other technologies specialised in the elimination of viruses and bacteria.

Reverse osmosis filters:

These semi-permeable filters work by means of membranes with micropores that help to retain and block the passage of big impurities que pueden estar en el agua y son nocivas para la salud. Suele ser el complemento perfecto para los filtros de carbón activado. Los Reverse osmosis filters: while they help to provide better quality water, they are often resource-intensive filters that can waste large amounts of water. For this reason it is advisable to choose one with high quality membranes and use it only when using water for drinking or cooking.

Ultraviolet light filters:

Through a light of ultraviolet rays, this filter works through the water and in this way manages to eliminate many of the microorganisms and bacteria. However, it is not useful if the aim is to remove solid particles or other substances that are pollutants. For this reason it is recommended to use it as a complementary device to other filters.

Ozone filters:

They work through a system that gives you a chemical water treatment, this transforms the oxygen molecules in the water, causing the water to oxidise. This causes the action of viruses and bacteria to be stopped, becoming a very useful type of filter for eradicating all types of microorganisms, viruses and bacteria. However, the ozone filter is not effective in eliminating the chemical elements that the water has and that can be harmful.

Ceramic filters:

This method of water filtration works by a ceramic device that is easily applied to any filter, the water is a source of energy, retaining those particles in the water that can be harmful to health. It helps to eliminate microorganisms and some particles, but it does not serve to eliminate the chemical components of the water. One of its great advantages is its duration: this type of filter can last up to 20 years with proper maintenance, which guarantees long-term water care. ¿Quieres saber más sobre los tipos de filtros de agua? From H2o Taps we invite you to ask for more information about our models, we will advise you on everything and indicate which would be the most suitable for your situation.

Motivos para comprar filtros

There are several reasons for which one decides to buy a water filter. Although tap water is usually of an approved quality for human consumption, it can sometimes carry all kinds of sediments, microorganisms, viruses, bacteria and other substances that can be toxic such as chlorine. Pero además contribuye positivamente en otros aspectos. Dejar de comprar el agua embotellada disminuye el consumo de plásticos, siendo esto una grandísima elección en un momento histórico clave, de forma que sirva para comenzar a incluir en nuestra vida cotidiana prácticas más saludables para el planeta. En cuanto a los economic factors, in addition to the fact that bottled water consumption is not only an excess of plastics, it also means that you have to spend a budget every week in supermarkets. When comprar un filtro, this money will become a long term investment and you will be able to consume purified water of excellent quality.

Encuentra en H2o Taps el tipo de filtro perfecto para ti

The tap water filter funcionan a partir de un sistema de retención de todas estas sustancias que suelen ser invisibles pero que pueden afectar la salud de quienes las consumen. Tras conocer los tipos de filtros de agua que existen y los motivos para su compra, ¿estás interesado es saber todavía más sobre ello? Pregúntanos sin compromiso, resolveremos todas tus dudas.